How to Protect Yourself against COVID-19

Coronavirus is a large family of pathogens. Each strain of coronavirus is not equally dangerous, four strains (types) of coronavirus cause mild illnesses like the common cold. at home test are the only way to know if you have it for sure. The three others can cause fatal infections. One of them is SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

Since the body has not been exposed to the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), our bodies aren’t well equipped to deal with COVID-19. A vaccine would allow the body to safely develop an immune response to COVID-19 that could prevent or control infection. As some of the vaccines are at later stages of Phase-3 Clinical Trials, they would still take an estimate of 8-16 months to develop for worldwide use, so until then follow standard operating procedures (SOPs) to avoid the transmission of disease.

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Exercise Tips: Left Brain vs. Right Brain

Medical science is always changing. Concepts regarding health and biological function that were once thought to be true are no longer supported. One misconception from the past is left versus right brain theory. While the idea is still discussed in pop culture, scientists and psychologists have discredited the notion of a strictly dichotomous brain. Current thinking is that while particular activity is higher in certain regions, both hemispheres are typically more or less equal in their activity. Below is a brief look into this school of thought on left and right brain dominance. jigsaw puzzle accessories

Graphic created by MasterPieces, Inc., provider of jigsaw puzzle accessories.…

How to Keep Your Brain Young As You Age

As you age, your brain function changes. And while these minor changes are considered normal, it can be scary. It’s when symptoms of cognitive decline begin to significantly interfere with daily life that there is cause for concern. These often foreshadow Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Fortunately, the CDC reports 40% of dementia cases may be prevented or delayed with the proper actions. Below are a few examples of brain-boosting habits recommended to combat cognitive decline and maintain brain health. in home nursing services

Graphic created by Options Home Health, provider of in home nursing services.…